Reunion was a blast! After 8 years, semua orang dah BESAR! Literally. As usual, talking bout the same thing over and over again, and still laughed at it. 3 Gigih forever. Kelas berlagak dan riak dan menang semua pertandingan dan sangat menyampah. Hello, tgk la sape ketua kelas kan. Mesti la gile kuasa.
Tag along Syazani (Paul Walker) and Hannanah on Syazani's Proton Persona yang amat hebat. Gerak from PUTRAJAYA at 7.00am and was already in front of Firdaus's yard at 9.30am. AMAZING!

First stop: Firdaus's place for breakfast. Mee kari adalah awesome. Gelak sampai gugur buah pinggang.

Second stop: Black Canyon, East Coast Mall. Coffee was super cool. Again, gelak sampai tercabut paru-paru.

Third stop: Azleen's place. Jemput2 yang lazat. Yummm... And laughing still.

Fourth stop: Diba's place. Her birthday barbeque. Happy 23rd Diba! Sotong bakar was super lazat. Hip hip hooray! And yes, the laughing continues.
Last stop: Faezar's chalet. No photos. Everyone was so serious. Hmm......................
p/s: Did i mention we ran through everyone's name in 3 Gigih '01, trying to locate each whereabouts? From class report? Wrong. From the class t-shirt! Haha!
Owh and one more thing, sorry Azleen. Im not at fault.

Photos courtesy: Firdaus & Sofi (gelak sorang2. hihihihihihhihi)
Tag along Syazani (Paul Walker) and Hannanah on Syazani's Proton Persona yang amat hebat. Gerak from PUTRAJAYA at 7.00am and was already in front of Firdaus's yard at 9.30am. AMAZING!

First stop: Firdaus's place for breakfast. Mee kari adalah awesome. Gelak sampai gugur buah pinggang.

Second stop: Black Canyon, East Coast Mall. Coffee was super cool. Again, gelak sampai tercabut paru-paru.

Third stop: Azleen's place. Jemput2 yang lazat. Yummm... And laughing still.

Fourth stop: Diba's place. Her birthday barbeque. Happy 23rd Diba! Sotong bakar was super lazat. Hip hip hooray! And yes, the laughing continues.
Last stop: Faezar's chalet. No photos. Everyone was so serious. Hmm......................
p/s: Did i mention we ran through everyone's name in 3 Gigih '01, trying to locate each whereabouts? From class report? Wrong. From the class t-shirt! Haha!
Owh and one more thing, sorry Azleen. Im not at fault.

Photos courtesy: Firdaus & Sofi (gelak sorang2. hihihihihihhihi)
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