Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hot Stuff

U think ur smart? Please remember im a lot smarter.

Ok tukar topic.

Called up Husna to finish up my remaining $47 of credit. I can hear on her end the phone kept vibrating. Asked her why,

N: Bunyi ape tu bitch?
H: Bunyi fon ni la, bitch. Message masuk. Ni dah 5 kali vibrate.
N: Maybe its recurring kot. Takkan 5 message dalam 40 minit. Kental giler.
H: Jap aku check.

tut tut tut tut tut tut (bunyi button henfon)

H: Hey, guess wat it is actually 5 messages
N: Shiat. Giler hot stuff. From who?
H: Il cut the story short. Aku ade 3 peminat. Satu message from Aishah, one each from peminat1 and peminat2, and 2 from peminat3. That totals up to 5 messages.
N: Damn. Bitch.
H: I learnt from the best.

Love u bitch! Forever and always. Ingat, air dicincang takkan putus. HAHAHAH.


  1. komen yang takde kena mgena ngan entri.

    "Kalau awak nampak ade perempuan gemuk lari-lari.."

    >>>persoalannya sejak bila plak u gemuk?! bukan u kurus ke?

  2. I gemuk la! Si Gemuk Yang Cantik. HAHAHA
